Sometimes there are worries and concerns in your
heart, you need someone to speak to but those
around you may not understand you, even if they
understood your words, the words that will come
out will not do justice to how you are feeling.
Turn to ALLAH, for it is He who knows you better
than yourself and knows how you are feeling. It is
He who understands you and can help you more
than anyone else.
“If ALLAH loves someone, He will give that person faith. If ALLAH loves that person a little bit more, He will give that person strength and perseverance to practice His religion perfectly. And If ALLAH loves that person a little bit more, He will make the life on the Dunya difficult for that slave of His to test how far is the love of His Slave to Him.”
If you keep reminding your heart about ALLAH, there will come a time when your heart will remind you of ALLAH.
"Mix with those who have a high degree of patience for their hearts are indeed the softest."
(Umar ibn Al-Khattab RA)
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