I've learned... worrying is a waste of time and dwelling on something will not change the outcome.
I've learned... That money DOES NOT buy CLASS, RESPECT, HAPPINESS or LOVE!!
I've learned... people will only tell you what they want to believe about themselves.
I've learned... having it made, doesn't mean you appreciate it.
I've learned... not to judge, unless you want to be judged, leave that up to GOD.
I've learned that if no one else is being good to me, I can still be good to myself.
I've learned that impatience or griping is not very attractive qualities.
I've learned... if people aren't already good people, you can't change them, only GOD can.
I've learned... That under everyone's hard shell is someone who wants to be appreciated and loved.
I've learned... that it's those small daily happenings that make life so spectacular.
I've learned... That to ignore the facts does not
change the facts.
I've learned... it's hardest to hold on to a grudge, than to Forgive, Forget and Move On!
I've learned... that in order to see the GOOD thigs in life, stop focusing on the BAD!
I've learned those GOODBYE's you don't get to say are the HARDEST and SADDEST!
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