"Dear future me,
However you are, whatever condition you’re in, never forget where you came from. If you’re going through tough times whether it’s financially, emotionally, or physically; or if you’re well off and living comfortably, never forget this:
'To ALLAH we belong and to Him we shall return.'"
"The sign of a beautiful person is that he always sees beauty in others." -Omar Suleiman
"A person would not forget two types of faces in his life, the one who helped him in time of need and the one who left him alone in difficult times." -Hussien Ibn Ali (R.A)
"If one night you see someone committing a sin, tomorrow do not look at him as a sinner. He may have repented during the night and you did not know."
-Ali (R.A)
"Keep your good deeds between you and Allah, people aren’t going to provide you with Jannah, only He can."
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