Today... EXPECT- nothing of anyone! ACCEPT- others as they are! RESPECT- everyone regardless! CONTROL- yourself because its all you control.
Do not think that the world is perfect for anyone. There is no face on Earth who gets all he wants or is free from all kinds of distress.
You want to become a better Muslim. You want to start exercising. You want to read and increase your knowledge. You want to engage more in dhikr. But although you may intend for these things, you can’t seem to ever get to them.
It could be because you are letting your excuses control you.
Go for someone who is not only proud to have you but will also take every risk just to be with you.
The biggest decisions in our life involve bridges... which bridges to build, which bridges to cross, which ones to burn, and which we should simply ignore...
Accept me for my strength. Love me for my weakness. Be there for the good and the bad. Remember, I will never be who you want me to become -- I am who I am.
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