Sometimes it seems like you are the only one in the world who’s struggling, who’s frustrated, unsatisfied, barely getting by. But that feeling’s a lie. And if you just hold on, just find the courage to face it all for another day, someone or something will find you and make it all okay. Because we all need a little help sometimes-someone to helps us hear the music in their world, to remind us that it won’t always be this way. That someone is out there. And that someone will find you.
If u put hope in a despondent person's heart, If someone's burden was lighter because you did your part, If you made someone forget their problems by making them laugh, If your name is taken when someone goes to pray, Then your time has been well spent! Wishing u such a day every day of ur life. جُمُعَةُ مُبَارَك
We're all on the same journey-we just take different routes ♥ know that Allaah will never try a person beyond his scope and his share of trials and burdens are tailored to his ability to cope ya'nee we are all tried and tested just not in the same way..
Think of the little things that make you
happy or the people that give you assurance where you're good at. This
is called receiving. Most of us have reasons to be happy,only that we
don't see them or we take them for granted. We need to have little eyes
and little hearts too, and realize that all things that make us happy
have been there all along.
The test of the rich is how humble they remain as they gain wealth & how grateful they are to the Almighty who is the sole Owner of all wealth. This gratitude is displayed by increasing acts of worship, obeying commands & abstaining from prohibitons. The humility is guaged by the attitude towards fellow human beings, the manner of spending, the ability to fight off the urge to have a say in everything, dominate & control solely due to the amount of wealth we have. This test ends either when we become poor once again or when we die leaving behind whatever we had amassed for our heirs to fight over. Beware of the dangers of this great test!
When you hurt others, you truly are hurting yourself.
Learning wisdom is not like buying a car. You can't see wisdom, at least not with your eyes. You can't feel wisdom, at least not with your hands. Wisdom comes through experience, guidance and understanding. There is something in you, in everyone that recognizes and connects with it. Wisdom teaches us how not to make the same mistakes over and over again expecting different results.
When Things Get Tough ✦ Just remember►
(1) This life is a test and God is testing us
(2) This dunya is very short and then comes the Day of Judgement
(3) Remember the trials of the Prophets, Shahabas, Scholars, and have patience (4) With patience comes immense reward
(5) Death is at our doorstep and what really matters is if you obeyed God’s commands or not.
(6) For the pious, Jannah will be their final home’
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