If there is heavy mist on the windscreens of our cars, then we de-mist those windscreens when driving. If we do not do so, then we are liable to meet with an accident. In a like manner, when our hearts become misted with sins, with evil desires and passions, it becomes necessary to de-mist our hearts with Taubah and Istighfaar (repentance).
According to a Hadith of Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) , everything rusts according to its nature, and the hearts rust with worldly desires and sins. Zikr (Praise of ALLAHh Ta'ala)ullah removes the rust of the (spiritual) heart - it purifies and cleanses the heart.
Don't start your day with the broken pieces of yesterday.
A wise mans' response to "What is a Woman?"
“She's like glass, transparent so u can see inside. The more u wipe it gently, the more it shines & u can see ur reflection on it, like she is preserving ur image inside of her shyly. If u break it, it will be so hard for u to collect its shattered pieces again. If u do collect them to stick tog., it won’t be back to da way it was. It will always be disfigured. Every time you pass ur hand on the fracture zones "scars" u will hurt ur hand."
To accept you did wrong makes it easier to live.... denial always makes it harder..and harder...and harder.
Do not take any good woman for granted. Someone will come along and appreciate what you did not. Then only you will realize what you have lost.
Only ALLAH can turn a MESS into a MESSage, a TEST into a TESTimony, a TRIal into a TRIumph, a VICTim into a VICTory.
Life becomes precious and more special to us when we look for the little everyday miracles and get excited about the privileges of simply being human.
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