"Hurting someone is As easy As plucking the Flower ...
But Making someone HAPPY is like Growing A TREE
that takes lots of TIME....
We are not of same blood,we are born and grown in different places..
we had different tastes and lifestyles.But still our hearts are connected with a single miraculous feeling called LOVE for the sake of ALLAH.
You’re breathing air into your lungs because ALLAH is allowing you to.
Not because there is oxygen around you.
he said - Why not ALLAH punish me as soon as i do the BAD WORK.....
I said - EVEN Satan himself has been granted a respite until DOOMSDAY.....
So, ALLAH DECIDE TIME AND PLACE FOR EVERYTHING, and EVERYONE... he knows all things and GRANT RESPITE so we can Realize our mistakes and ASK for FORGIVENESS ..... so ask forgiveness from ALLAH.. he is MOST MERCIFUL........
'A mufti of Saudi was brought to tears on TV when he received a question from Somalia: 'is the fast valid if we have no suhoor & iftaar?''
Cry if you have to
But CRY to the ONE who can answer your TEARS
ALLAH Subhana Wa Taala
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