Assalamualikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu
surat Al Asr
Verse 1: By (the token of) time.
Verse 2: Verily! Man is in loss.
Verse 3: Except those who believe
and do good works, and enjoin on
each other truth, and enjoin on each
other patience.
Quoted post :
I want to share an awesome analogy Br. Nouman Ali Khan made to this surat when he came to speak at Hopkins. Imagine that you are asleep and yet you are drowning in water. You don’t realize that you are drowning since you are asleep so you cannot save yourself (Verses 1-2). Now, imagine you wake-up and
acknowledge and realize you are drowning (Verse 3: except those who believe). Now that you realize you are drowning, you have to try to start swimming for your survival and salvation (Verse 3: and do good works). Nevertheless, consider that you realize when you are drowning, that your family and friends are chained to you. Therefore, they are taking you deeper in the water with
them. What do you have to do? You have to try to wake them up so that
they realize you and them are both drowning (Verse 3: and enjoin on
each other truth). Now, consider this, one of your uncles is a very heavy
sleeper. He refuses to wake-up. What are you going to do? Would you give
up and let him take you down? No! Of course, you would continously try
to keep waking this uncle of yours up until you either survive or die
(Verse 3: and enjoin on each other patience).
What an awesome analogy of Surat al-Asr! I love this analogy. Imam Shafii (rahmatullah) had stated that if only people truly considered this Surat well enough, it would suffice enough for their guidance. Abdullah bin Hisn ad-Darimi Abu Madinah narrated that whenever any two of the Companions met they would not part company until they had recited
Surah al-Asr to each other (found in Tabarani). Insha’Allah, we all can benefit greatly from this awesome Surah!
Ya ALLAH! ALLAH is sufficient for me,how fine a trustee (He is).
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