:: Smile and say Alhamdulillah (Praise be to Allah). - AN AMAZING STORY.
Abdullah would say Alhamdulillah to everything that would happen to him, whether good or bad. One day while hunting, the King accidently shot-off his finger and Abdullah responded with his normal, "Alhamdulillah".
This Upset, the King he jailed Abdullah to which Abdullah again responded "Alhamdulillah". Soon thereafter, the King went out hunting again by himself. He strayed into tribal enemy grounds and was captured.
The tribe was about to sacrifice him before they realized he was missing a finger. Knowing full-well they should not sacrifice an incomplete human being, they released the King.
Ecstatic, the King knew that his misfiring the other day saved his life. He went back home and freed Abdullah. Afterwards, he asked Abdullah,
“I understand the loss of my finger was something worth saying "Alhamdulillah" over, but why did you say it when I jailed you?” Abdullah responded,
“Had I been with you that one day instead of in jail, I would have been sacrificed, since I did have all of my fingers!”.
ALLAH(swt) say's in the Quran
“But it may happen that ye hate a thing which is good for you, and it may happen that ye love a thing which is bad for you.ALLAH knoweth, ye know not” (Quran, 2:216).
Therefore, Brothers and Sisters, always be optimistic and respond with "Alhamdulillah" and Remember that Everything happens with you is for GOOD.
It's About Sabr (Patience) and Sukr (Gratitude) Remeber always Smile and say Alhamdulillah (Praise be to ALLAH)
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