"Self Realization" By Nifra Naleem
Everything seemed simple and sweet to her, she never felt the seriousness of life.
She was like a feather floating in the open air, aimlessly.
Yes, Hanah an 18 year old girl never thought her life would change thus.
The Almighty Allahu Subahanauth Thaala fulfiiled all her needs, He gave her more than what she deserve.Though she was a less hardworking girl she never failed to pass her exams. She sometimes wonder how that always happen, but she has forgotten there is a power above us which rules the whole universe. She thought it was her luck, such a fool she was.
Days went by, it was the 7th of July 2010, Hanah's family was strucked with the news. They never expected that day so very soon. Hanah's 7 year old cousin lost his loving dad, he was so lovable, pious, and he had never ever hurted anyone. Every villagers eyes were filled with tears hearing the news, they praised him for his good deeds, their palms were put together to make dua for him, these things reached Hanah's ears,tears rolled from her eyes...,then the Madrasa Usthadh humbly made a request from the family members to let the Janaza to be carried by the Madrasa students.It was done. What a lovely scene to see! The Madrasa students who were wearing the white Jubbah with the green Turban on the top were carring the Janaza, his Janaza was given the due respect for his good deeds. Allhamdhu lillah! Obserserving this Hanah wiped out her tears and sighed. Then she realized, death is common to everyone, this world is temporary.
Shame to say, though she was 18, she has ignored the 2nd pillar of Islam, for all these 13 years, the lose of her uncle made her think about this again.
“Command your children to make salah when they become seven years old…” Abu Dawud
She then started to fear........ Now she has realized the real meaning of a life of a Muslima. She never misses her prayers, she never forgets to recite the Quran, She has Made Islam her life................
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