Today's note- Remember your target!
Zaid wakes up early in the morning. He loves his tiny toy cars. He counts and arranges them in a row. To see them in order makes him happy. Today he wanted his blue car…it was missing. I told him it wass in his toy basket and get it by him if he wanted. So he walked to the room being confident, but he returned back with his small bat. He was fascinated and excited. Few seconds later he remembered his blue car. He looked at me grinning.
“Mama boothar”
“Seeing the bat you forgot it…don’t forget your aim…go and get it”
I said. He went back and this time came with his car. I saw him playing with car but the bat was still lying on the floor being neglected, for he didn’t actually was in need of playing with it.
SubhanAllah! How many of us forget our target while reaching to it. We turn to another path being distracted by something we don’t want in our life. We neglect our parents for friends not worth being together, we neglect our wives for someone not worth being together, we neglect our husbands for worthless TV series, and we compare our children’s’ success with a worthless TV hero…we neglect our best friends by talking about them in behind.
Is that the only thing we do? We skip our prayers. We go behind of something which is never meant for us. We waste our entire life to build crystal castles yet we don’t realize that it takes just a single second to shatter our dreams. We tire ourselves like bulls and dogs, yet leave everything beside when it’s our time to go. Spend thousands for silly fund raising walks and car washes yet think several times to drop a coin to a poor.
Every one of us knows what the truth of this life is, death is for sure, yet we are distracted and fascinated with worldly deeds.
What did you pick today? Boothar or the bat?
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