value your time and know whether you are being rewarded.
It’s gloomy. the rain drops patter to a rhythm. The rain…it always makes me feel better and it’s a time I hug my pen and paper and spend much time in my room. beautiful days of past, Alhamdulillah! It’s all stored in my brain, though I cant go back I walk through the beautiful days in my memory. Friends, family, school, teachers, strangers, lived as it came along and never planned for the future. We called it being ‘free birds’.
But are we? Nope, I fear not. after spending so many years I have come to my common senses. This life is not ours to be free birds. We borrowed it from its Creator. How silly I am to be so ignorant that I’ve to return it back to the Owner. Subhanallah! How am I going to answer Him for the damages I’ve done? Though tried to cover myself to be descent and civilized I didn’t protect the beauty He gave me with the proper hijab…the mirror on the wall said, you are gorgeous and I still wanted to look better. But whom did I please and attract? Subhanallah! Forgive me.
Annas RadiAllaho Ta’ala Anho relates that the Messenger Sallallahu Alayhi Wasalam
said, “Do not let forty days elapse without trimming the moustache and pairing the nails”.
(Hadeeth taken from Muslim) Meaning that we should cut our nails within forty days. It
has been stated that the consequence of keeping long nails are:
1- There will be no blessings in your wealth.
2- You will become poor.
3- Illness will plague you.
4- Almighty ALLAH and His Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasalam will be displeased
with you.
5- The devil sits on long nails. The Messenger Sallallahu Alayhi Wasalam would cut his
nails every fifteen days.
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