"A woman needs to be maintained financially, spiritually, morally, and above all intellectually because women are creatures of sound, and men are creatures of sight, and above all you must know the art of a relationship, is based upon communication" [Imaam Maalik rahimahullaah]
Narrated Abu Hurrairah (RadiAllahu Anhu): Allah's messenger (SalAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said: "Whoever says, 'SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi', one hundred times a day, they will be forgiven all his sins, even if they were as much as the foam of the sea."
♥ [Al-Bukhari] ♥
You will leave the Duniya behind - there is not one thing you can take with you. Eventually, even your body will decompose. The only things which will remain eternally is your soul, your Lord and the Hereafter. The Duniya is just temporary... ♥
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