Mother of believers, Safiyyah Bint Huyyiy narrated, “The Messenger of Allah [صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم] went to Hajj with his wives. On the way my camel knelt down as it was the weakest among all the other camels, and so I wept. The Prophet came to me and wiped away my tears with his dress and hands. The more he asked me not to weep, the more I went on weeping.”
[Musnad Ahmad, Vol.6, p. 337]
Again, he is the epitome of the caring, loving husband - coming to his wife on seeing her upset, wiping away her tears of sorrow, and insisting that she stop weeping. You have to keep in mind that he had all his wives with him during the afore-mentioned journey, yet he became alert when one of them was hurt. He did not ignore her, nor did he brusquely tell her to stop crying to save face before the crowd. He showed concern and love for her publicly.
Some husbands, it is sad to note, behave very awkwardly with their wives in public. They think it is embarrassing to show affection or to smile and laugh with their wife in front of onlookers, especially other men. It is as if their wife becomes a cause of shame for them in a public setting, which is why they become very business-like and stiff with her. Prophet Muhammad [صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم], however, in his considerate and loving treatment of his wife during Hajj, sets an example of how an ideal Muslim husband should be.
A Little boy and his mother were crossing a River.
Mother Said: Please hold my hand
Boy: No Mom, You hold my hand.
Mother: What's the difference?
Boy: If I hold your hand and something happens to me, chances are that I may let your hand go; but if you hold my hand, I know for sure you will never let my hand go...
May Allah protect our mothers, grant them Jannah and make thier beautiful traits flourish inshaAllah. We can never repay our mothers, but at the very least, we can make du'a for their good fid-Duniya wa fil Akhirat. Mothers truly are a gift from the Almighty, may He reward them for thier patience and their unconditional love, wa ameen! ♥
Feeling like a stranger makes one realise that it is only Allah one can truly love and yearn for. Fa tubaa lil ghuraba.
Abu Darda' radiyaAllaahu 'anh once said: "Exercise justice between your ears and your mouth. The only reason why you were blessed with one mouth and two ears is so you could listen more than you speak." SubhanAllaah
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