Allah surely test whom He loves. So, if your life is going along smooth sailing all the time. Its time you search within yourself to see where you are going astray. Allah test us all with hardship. He does that so we can remember Him and be grateful. Allah is perfect. Allahu Akbar
Trouble don't last long. Be patient with the test and trials from your LORD. It may be that HE is forgiving your sins. And He maybe setting your path for something better and more pleasing to yourself. Surely, after hardship comes ease. Alhamdulliah!!
Justice to All; Allah Knows!
A pious person fed the best and finest of foods to a blind man. His family said to him, “This blind man does not know what he is eating (so give him something of lower quality).” He replied, “But Allah knows!”
(Read on pg 113, ‘Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni, Don’t Be Sad. International Islamic Publishing House. Riyadh:2005.)
Bear patience, hold on tightly to the rope of Allah, have faith in your Lord and inshaAllah the blessings will be presented in front of you... Whatever happens - it happens to benefit you. You may not see it now - but sabr will give you the strength to see it - and Allah will inshaAllah bestow a Nour upon you life - so you can see when darkness falls upon you... ♥ Think of how righteous you must be to be afflicted with such a hardship - think of how much He must love you - to want to expiate your sins, so you can meet Him with a purer, lighter soul inshaAllah.. ♥ Remember no soul is burdened greater than it can bear - so don't think it is wrong to feel hurt because others are far worse off - you are tested upon how much YOU can bear - you are tested on an individual basis.. just have faith - Allah will alleviate the hardship soon inshaAllah.. ♥
They say, you can run - but you can't hide,
But one day you and death will definitely collide.
Death'll come knocking, Ready for your soul,
All your deeds will add up - you'll be handed your scroll.
It's only once death comes and hits you,
You'll ask to be sent back to the Earth;
To fix all that which was wrong,
To increase your deeds and your worth.
But once the trumpet has been blown,
No friend or family ties will be known;
You'll have your deeds weighed on a scale;
And you'll be told if you passed or you failed.
They say, you can run - but you can't hide,
But one day you and death will definitely collide.
Death'll come knocking, Ready for your soul,
All your deeds will add up - you'll be handed your scroll.
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