'Every love that leads away from His love is in fact a punishment; only a love that leads to His love is a heartfelt & pure love.'
Ibn Al-Qayyim (Rahimahullah)
We tend to find ourselves hurt sometimes; usually - by the persons whom we love the most. The only reason why they hurt us the most is because they are attached to our emotions. In reality, they may hurt us the same as any other person, but the we dont care about the average person as much to let them hurt us...
But do we ever blame ourselves? Do we place too much trust on them instead of placing trust on Allah? Do we rely on them more than we rely on Allah? Truly, if you loved these persons, you will forgive them - no matter how much they hurt you. Let's stop the blame game and learn to forgive.. Move on from these people - and rely on none but Allah.. Only then will you stop being hurt.. ♥
"A man once asked his mother, "Mother, how will I ever find the right woman?" His mother replied, "Forget finding the 'right' woman, focus on being the right man..."
We spend so much time in formulating ideas of what the perfect spouse will be. We seek the 'right' spouse - who is to be near perfection... But how perfect are we? Do we even come close to that which we seek?
Indeed there is no harm in wanting someone who will forward you in Deen and imaan, who will help you towards Jannah and who obeys and fears the Almighty... but seeking everything in one person is seeking something which does not exist - as we are all imperfect beings... Thus take the advice of this mother... ♥
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