The people with the softest hearts have felt the most pain The majority people I have met who have beautiful hearts are those who have had their hearts broken so many times but with patience have persevered and become stronger individuals.
However, sometimes it can be the other way round, like some
people have been hurt yet it totally breaks them..!
Like I was saying sometimes Allah brings people in to our lives to make us Stronger & a better person..!
May Allah guide us all and help us to stand up no matter how many times we falls :')
Salam, Tonight I pray for being resilient . May we have the strength and faith to get up after being knocked down. May we have the courage to face life and what it brings with a purposeful mind. may we be reminded that all this is a test and God tests the hardest whom he loves the most. So lets see the challenges that we face as opportunities to better ourselves. May we be strong, resilient, and happy individuals, who can appreciate the gift of life and share goodness with others. Ameen. X 3

Have you considered the blessings of hardships? Realize that Allah see you worthy enough to test and refine you. After every hardship, He is molding you into a better you. He is giving you new learning opportunities. He is giving you the keys to the hereafter. Who are you to deserve such a chance? Alhamdulillah, you are recognized by Allah as worthy of change.
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