I heard Sheikh Abu Fattah Abu Ghuddah say: "You will find in rivers what you will not find in great oceans." He meant that sometimes lesser minds possess wisdom which escapes the thoughts of great thinkers. (via Dr. Salman Al-Oadah)
If someones taking the time out to talk to you, care for you, don't take that for granted, as thats THEIR precious time being spent on YOU.
Allah sometimes deprives us of the company of a friend or loved one for a while so we can better appreciate their worth.
(via Dr. Salman Al-Oadah)
People with small hearts will minimize & belittle all that you do; people with large hearts will encourage & find good in all that you do.
(Shaykh Yasir Qadhi)
Just because you feel weak, doubt yourself, & feel lost, doesn't mean you're not strong. Being strong is more than looking the part. Being strong is pushing through. Being strong is being able to admit when you're beaten down. Being strong is knowing what you want and going after it no matter the hurt. You don't have to look strong, you just have to be strong.
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