When someone hurts you or
harms you, even if it is a deep
wound, forgive them. Forgive
them NOT for their sake, but as
a sign of gratitude to Allah. Why
you ask? For making you the victim and not the oppressor.
There is no crime in being a
victim, rather it brings you
closer to Allah and rids you of
sins. But as for the oppressor,
they’ll have to face their Lord one day. So in reality, they are
their own greatest victims.
'Lots of relationships fail because we spend more time pointing out each other's mistakes and not enough time enjoying each other's company.'
If the storm is great, and if the creator of the storm allows it to go through your way, imagine the trust and strength he knows you have. Do you see His love of you? Even though you see a storm and fear its power, He the most high sees potential in making you even stronger, for He knows you are stronger than it. You just need to know it yourself. You will ultimately enjoy life when insignificant problems come your way because storms and small problems don't really compare. That's how merciful and great God is. So don't question God, let God do great things for you. He is indeed great and He has great plans for you!
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