What does a smile hide,
But life's unspoken fears,
The pains at the hands of others' actions,
And suffering that results from silence,
All that lies behind that up-curve that these lips rather easily wear.
Only those who seek to know,
Will ask beyond the surface.
The hands lie empty,
Of what the heart hoped to hold,
So the tears they gently fall,
And heard by only One.
He Sees what others do not,
And Hears that which remains unspoken.
Know that He is with you,
Just remain patient.
Do the eyes ever become dry from the hearts unspoken sorrows?
This life never promised ease,
Just guarantees of turbulence.
So where do we see the next step falling,
Upon sorrow or ease?
Regardless Our Lord,
Grant our hearts peace.
The actions we take,
Either make a soul,
Or break it...
I fear the Day I stand before You,
Knowing that I walked this life
Often heedless,
Often confused,
But desperately seeking Your Guidance.
My hope is Your Mercy,
It's all I have in this prison of life.
When a heart breaks,
And then is pieced together,
It never quite feels the same.
Those fragments and scars,
Though held together apparently whole,
It holds tales of pain, and stories of loss
Which only the owner understands.
Each fragment and scar provides a source of strength,
A reason to keep striving;
Though this heart broke,
There lies a reward for each moment spent in patience.
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