At times when we are at our lowest, we need something to lift us our spirits up. I find that quotes, short stories and poems helps me lots through these process. To remind me that to count every small blessings :)In rainy days you might want a little sunshine to light your heart. In sunny days you might want a shade and cool breeze.. Just like little kind words and some motivation to get through rough days.. Something to keep you going.
my favourite's
Sunday, 30 June 2013
Monday, 24 June 2013
"Love a little more than what is necessary,
work a little harder than what is required,
be a little kinder than what is usual,
give a little bit more than what you feel you can afford, stand in prayer a little longer than what you intended,
and be a little more patient than what you feel you can handle.
It is that little extra effort sparked by sincerity in the heart that makes your ordinary self extraordinary."
A sleepless search
-Hasna Huzair
All Rights reserved @ Allah's presence
Flowers sleep,
At days when the breeze avoids brushing them.
Days sleep,
At nights when the sun eludes seeing them.
Nights sleep,
As the moon forgets to visit them.
Moon sleeps,
As the dark clouds obscure its sight.
Clouds sleep,
When the rain gets trapped in them.
Rain sleeps,
While the earth melts in its terrible drought.
Earth sleeps,
As men refuse to rise above it thriving.
Men sleep,
At minutes when no worries damp them.
Minutes sleep,
Whilst the busy awaits something to happen.
But I alone wait in despair,
Till my precious sleep does spare.
Travelling through the cascading thoughts,
Searching for the long lost boats.
As the sleepless river surging knocks,
Gushing ferociously amidst hard rocks.
Bear all the pain in world does my soul,
A destituted body seeking its fall.
I set off in quest of the truth,
Determined to find a fruitful destiny for both
We must fear the day when we shall stand before Allah, trembling, with tears in our eyes and regret in our hearts. Please our Lord, forgive our shortcomings.
Saturday, 22 June 2013
The recipe for misery is simple: Carry a deep sense of entitlement and expectations. And every time you give, keep track of what you are 'owed'. The recipe for happiness is also simple: give out of love--not entitlement or expectations.
It takes a lot to close up an open person.
May Allah remove all harm and difficulty from your lives and replace them with joy in this life and the next.Ameen
The disappointments are inevitable. They are part of the process where lessons are derived from. Please, do not be afraid to tackle those let downs and use them instead of ”them using you” and consuming your physical, spiritual and emotional well being.
When the dawn comes again, appreciate the renewal of yourself, the experience and the better person you have become.
"If you know yourself, then you'll not be harmed by what is said about you."--Sufyaan ath-Thawree
"Taking pains to remove the pains of others is the true essence of generosity."--Abu Bakr (RA)

Malik ibn dinar was once walking and he passed by a child. Once he had gone past the boy he remembered that the Messenger of Allah use to greet children so he went back to greet him
Malik ibn dinar: Asalamu Alaikum young boy
Boy: Wa alaikum asalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu
he thought the boy seemed intelligent so he decided to ask him some questions
Malik ibn dinar: What’s the difference between the human intellect and the human ego?
Boy: The ego is what made you ignore me and walk past me, and the intellect is what made you come back to say salam.
Thursday, 20 June 2013
Tuesday, 18 June 2013
Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz [Rahimahullah] said: ''Throw wheat on the top of mountains so that nobody can say that a bird went hungry in the land of the Muslims.''
Today people are dying from famine and nobody cares.
Where are we Muslims lost? We will be asked about the poor
Our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) also advised his people to have smiling faces, and said:
"You cannot make people happy with your possessions, but you can please them
with a pleasant face and good nature."
"Every day is Mother's day in Islam"
To such a magnanimous lady in every way
Her pleasure is a visa for you in Jannah (heaven) to stay
Celebrating her not only once a year
A mother is so precious and dear.
Take lesson and to Allah sincerely pray
That Mother's Day should be celebrated EveryDay!
The Prophet Muhammad [Allah's peace and blessings be upon him] said:
"Jannah[Heaven] lies under the feet of your mother"
The Prophet Muhammad (s) said:
“Every one of your (people) is responsible, and
everyone is responsible for whatever falls under his responsibility. A man is like a
shepherd of his own family, and he is responsible for them”
(Bukhari and Muslim).
The Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] said:
"Do not abuse anyone,do not look down upon any good work, and when you speak to your brother, show him a cheerful face."
[Sunan of Abu-Dawood, Hadith 1889]
"Place the affairs of your brother when they reach you upon the best of interpretations until there comes to you clarity which overcomes that. Do not think ill of a statement which comes from another Muslim if you can find a good interpretation for it."
-Umar (R.A)
Sunday, 16 June 2013
Advice to those whose loved ones are very open and giving: don't take it for granted. Take care of those people in your life, because once they close, they close.
"He wants to make you tired of everything, so that you may not be distracted from Him by anything."
--ibn `Ata'illah as-Sikandari (RA)
Pay attention to your heart, beware of raising yourself above others, and beware of belittling others
Saturday, 15 June 2013
This life has taken a toll on my body. I feel like I've been alive for 1000 years. But I keep going. Because there's no turning back.
Every day I get closer to our Meeting.
I feel like I’ve been walking this path for a thousand years
towards You…
and yet I’m still not there.
So close, and yet so far still
But I keep walking,
despite the tears,
despite the wind,
despite the skinned knees and broken bones,
despite the bruises and scars that make this heart what it is today,
I keep walking…
toward You.
There’s only one direction,
one direction:
towards You.
From You, to You.
I have nothing else.
That is my poverty.
I keep walking
because behind every sun’s setting is a rising,
Behind every storm is a Refuge,
Behind every fall is a rise,
Behind every tear is a cleansing of the eyes.
And in every spot you’ve ever been stabbed, is a healing,
and the creation of skin stronger than it was.
I keep walking
because wallahi I have nothing but Your mercy.
I have nothing but Your promise
Your words
Your promise
“Oh mankind, indeed you are ever toiling on towards your Lord- painfully toiling,- but you shall meet Him.” (84:6)
Don't worry about what the people say. Sometimes they'll praise you. Sometimes they'll condemn you. All these things all fade away. And in the end, Allah takes care of everything. Perfectly.
There are some who are going to understand you, no matter what you say. And there are others who are going to misunderstand you, no matter what you say.
You hardened your heart so you don't have to feel it.
During times of crisis, you really see the ones that care.
"Empty not your soul to everybody." --Ancient Egyptian Proverb
Friday, 14 June 2013
When you feel all alone in this world
And there’s nobody to count your tears
Just remember, no matter where you are
Allah knows
When you carrying a monster load
And you wonder how far you can go
With every step on that road that you take
Allah knows
No matter what, inside or out
There’s one thing of which there’s no doubt
Allah knows
And whatever lies in the heavens and the earth
Every star in this whole universe
Allah knows
When you find that special someone
Feel your whole life has barely begun
You can walk on the moon, shout it to everyone
Allah knows
When you gaze with love in your eyes
Catch a glimpse of paradise
And you see your child take the first breath of life
Allah knows
When you lose someone close to your heart
See your whole world fall apart
And you try to go on but it seems so hard
Allah knows
You see we all have a path to choose
Through the valleys and hills we go
With the ups and the downs, never fret never frown
Allah knows
Every grain of sand,
In every desert land, He knows.
Every shade of palm,
Every closed hand, He knows.
Every sparkling tear,
On every eyelash, He knows.
Every thought I have,
And every word I share, He knows.
Allah knows.
-Sumaiah Ismail
All rights reserved @Allah's presence
Baffled, I am
Pondering upon
The world I see
Around me
When one man
Piles his plate,
And savours
Delicious food
The other
Tortured by hunger,
Nibbles some
Morsels of food.
When one's refrigerator
Gets impregnated,
The rest is thrown away
Into the giant basket
The other
The edible
Looking in dismay
At the heap
Rotten and wasted
More fruits are seen
In one man's shampoo
Way less are seen
On the other man's plate
Inflation rate
Continues to soar
Who cares about it
Any more
All one's concern
Is to fill one's tummy
Which is already sated
With food that is yummy
Baffled,I am
Pondering upon,
The world I see
Around me!
What enjoyment I need….
Nifla Nawabdeen Hussain Ali
All rights reserved at Allah's presence.
Scene 1
30 years ago.
“Shall we go on a trip on Sunday?” Habeeb asked his wife while sipping the hot coffee sitting on the sofa near the grand pa’s clock.
“”Trip?” Maryam, his wife smiled.
“Yes dear, Sulaim asked us to join them. Salman, Kasim and Junaid are also joining with their families. As we didn’t go on a trip for a long time, shall we go?” Habeeb asked.
“Urggg… good idea, but am thinking of our son Zameel” maryam paused.
“Why, what wrong with him, let’s take him too” Habeeb added.
“But, you know I fear that he might get caught with flu or something else. You know these dust , water all these things don’t suit him. You remember him suffering last month when we went to your friend’s place right. Poor soul I don’t want to see him suffering again” she said.
“Then shall we keep him with your momma and go, just two days you know?” Habeeb said.
“What? Don’t joke Habeeb ,what enjoyment I need leaving my son. Even if I come with you my mind will be roaming with zameel. He needs me for this and that, if he doesn’t see me for some times he will start to cry.” Maryam explained.
“What a mom you are, I miss my mom” Habeeb looked at his wife with amazement.
“But you can go Habeeb” she smiled.
“What enjoyment I need leaving my wife and son?” he winked. She winked back too.
The clock stroke as though it salutes them.
Scene 2
30 years later after scene 1.
“So we are going on the trip zameel” Zeema asked her husband.
“yes, we will” zameel nodded still going through his file sitting on the couch near the old grand pa’s clock.
“What about your mom and dad then? Shall we take them with us?” Zeema asked.
“Kidding? Dad is bed ridden and mom is old. How can we take them? Even if we take we would have to look after them, we won’t be able to enjoy. We go on a trip to enjoy you know” zameel said.
“Then?” Zeema asked.
“I have arranged the maid of next door. She will come when she has time and look after them till we are back” he said.
Hearing these words two souls in that dark room exchanged innocent glances saying as though “What enjoyment we need troubling our son”
Thursday, 13 June 2013
Don't push people who are willing to help you away believing that you are so worthless that you are beyond love and help
Wednesday, 12 June 2013
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
•Mother is Always a Mother.....
''Ya Allah!! Have Mercy On Our Parents'' .. A'ameen
Whenever you want to know how rich you are, don't count currency, just try to Drop a Tear & see how many hands reach out to WIPE that- that is true richness
Describing others physical appearance using hurtful terms such as fat, ugly, too short, dwarf, skinny, big nose is a major sin.
The Messenger pbuh has warned us about using terms that would hurt a person.
We are all created by the Almighty who decides our features & although we should play our role to maintain the best possible health etc, we are not permitted to use degrading terms when referring to anyone.
The Almighty loves us all & He Alone knows who is closer to Him in worship
Be tolerant, Be kind to the people around you, No one is having a perfect Life, each one of us is going through a situation. Understanding and empathy would not only make it easy for you but also for those around you. Be nice, Be kind. It's infectious and one day when you really need it, it would come back to you too.
When someone hurts you or
harms you, even if it is a deep
wound, forgive them. Forgive
them NOT for their sake, but as
a sign of gratitude to Allah. Why
you ask? For making you the victim and not the oppressor.
There is no crime in being a
victim, rather it brings you
closer to Allah and rids you of
sins. But as for the oppressor,
they’ll have to face their Lord one day. So in reality, they are
their own greatest victims.
'Lots of relationships fail because we spend more time pointing out each other's mistakes and not enough time enjoying each other's company.'
If the storm is great, and if the creator of the storm allows it to go through your way, imagine the trust and strength he knows you have. Do you see His love of you? Even though you see a storm and fear its power, He the most high sees potential in making you even stronger, for He knows you are stronger than it. You just need to know it yourself. You will ultimately enjoy life when insignificant problems come your way because storms and small problems don't really compare. That's how merciful and great God is. So don't question God, let God do great things for you. He is indeed great and He has great plans for you!
Sitting with the poor and less fortunate people removes the ego and pride from your heart
~ Imam Ibn al Qayyim Rahimahullah
Hopes held in the hollows of words
They crumble leaving only sorrow as a companion.
Hope should be placed in the Hands most Secure,
Saving us from drowning into depths of sorrow.
Ya Salaam,
Ensure that we find the shore safely.
What are we but mere moments,
Forgotten just as quickly as were once cherished..
Let not my actions be a reflection of my broken heart,
But let them be noble,
Like the courage it takes me to stand tall,
Despite the depths of my soul having caved in,
Let not my actions be anything but the best,
For I will stand before You my Lord,
And I wish only Your Mercy that Day.
What does a smile hide,
But life's unspoken fears,
The pains at the hands of others' actions,
And suffering that results from silence,
All that lies behind that up-curve that these lips rather easily wear.
Only those who seek to know,
Will ask beyond the surface.
The hands lie empty,
Of what the heart hoped to hold,
So the tears they gently fall,
And heard by only One.
He Sees what others do not,
And Hears that which remains unspoken.
Know that He is with you,
Just remain patient.
Do the eyes ever become dry from the hearts unspoken sorrows?
This life never promised ease,
Just guarantees of turbulence.
So where do we see the next step falling,
Upon sorrow or ease?
Regardless Our Lord,
Grant our hearts peace.
The actions we take,
Either make a soul,
Or break it...
I fear the Day I stand before You,
Knowing that I walked this life
Often heedless,
Often confused,
But desperately seeking Your Guidance.
My hope is Your Mercy,
It's all I have in this prison of life.
When a heart breaks,
And then is pieced together,
It never quite feels the same.
Those fragments and scars,
Though held together apparently whole,
It holds tales of pain, and stories of loss
Which only the owner understands.
Each fragment and scar provides a source of strength,
A reason to keep striving;
Though this heart broke,
There lies a reward for each moment spent in patience.
Allah has taught me that the way I treat is the way I will be treated. Any good I have done in this life Allah has always brought someone to return the favor. Likewise, anytime I did not treat someone appropriately it sooner or later was returned to me as well. Treating people with the best of manners is not only one of the heaviest acts on your scale of good deeds, but it is one of the best ways to be treated well in this world as well.
As for oppressing people, as the prophet (SAW) said: "Fear the supplication of the oppressed for there is no barrier between it and Allah."
You know who you are and Allah knows best your circumstances and intentions. Don't decrease your worth by always justifying your actions. Never forget that one of the biggest causes of your failure will be trying to please everyone.
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