Forgiveness earns the greatest reward;
All too often the ones we care for the most,
Are the ones who overlook our benefit in their lives,
And it is only when they feel that loss,
That they see,
Their hands have been emptied of a true gem..
This path,
Is so individually paved,
My pain you will never quite know,
And I, cannot understand yours,
But together,
We can offer each other hope;
To ease each ripple that comes from the waves of life's tests.
There are some souls,
Meant to dwell in our hearts,
But no longer play a part in our lives.
These souls,
They remain etched in our minds;
Blessings when no-one else held on,
They are our truest companions,
And sincerest trustees.
They are the ones who will join us in those blissful days,
When beauty of unknown depiction,
Will illustrate itself before our awe-filled eyes.
Those days will be spent recalling past pains,
Ones that we would gladly walk to simply gain,
An Eternal possession of peace
Spent loving those who loved us without conditions..
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