"Do not become happy at the loss or hardship of others, lest the Almighty have mercy on them and inflict you instead. " Hadith
Tables can easily turn, and those facing hardship whom we laughed at, can be given the opportunity to laugh at us even louder.
If we offer moral & material support to those suffering, the day we are in such situations, we will be helped overcome them too.
In cases where we are not in a position to render much material support, the least we can do is pray for the alleviation of their suffering.
May the Almighty ease the suffering of all those who are going through any firm of hardship on the globe. Aameen
When our hearts are hardened, no sign sent to us by the Almighty will make us take heed, mend our ways or incline towards Him.
The Almighty sends regular signs of varying magnitudes to each one of us, as gentle reminders to soften our hearts towards His obedience.
If nothing at all serves as a warning to us, then we need urgent help to remedy our spiritual paralysis before it is too late.
"Has the time not come for the believers to humble their hearts to the reminder of the Almighty and the Divine Revelation..?" 57:16
May the Almighty protect our hearts from becoming hardened, and may He instead soften them to incline towards His obedience at all times. Aameen
None of us have chosen our parents. The Almighty decided through whom we would come into this world, as a blessing and a test for both sides.
Our parents looked after us when we were helpless infants, so why do we find it a burden to look after them when they are aged and in need of care?
Kindness to parents is decreed upon us. Never utter a disrespectful word to them even in disagreement.
Pray for them to attain the Mercy of the Almighty, guidance and goodness for they brought us up praying for our goodness so sincerely.
Obedience of parents is a duty unless they ask us to go against the instruction of the Almighty or to do something unreasonable.. Then too, we must always respect them.
Serving one's parents in old age is as good as opening the doors of Paradise for oneself, so don't miss out.
In old age, sometimes all they want is for us to sit with them and show some interest in their stories of the past, or call them from afar simply asking how they're doing.
May the Almighty forgive our shortcomings and shower our parents with His Mercy.
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