Dear ALLAH :
Please untie the knots
That are in my mind,
My heart and my life.
Remove the have nots,
The cannots and the do nots
That I have in my mind
Erase the will nots,
May nots,
Might nots that may find
A home in my heart.
Release me from the could nots
Would nots and
Should nots that obstruct my life.
And most of all,
I ask that you remove from my mind,
My heart and my life all of the “am nots”
That I have allowed to hold me back,
Especially the thought
That I am not good enough.
When we miss a plane, lose a job, or find ourselves unable to marry the person we want, have we ever stopped to consider the possibility that it may have been for our own good?
Yet it is so difficult to look beyond the surface of things. It takes great strength to see beyond the illusions, to a deeper truth—which we may or may not understand.
And once the storm is over, you won’t really remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t really remember the intensity of the scars, of the pain. But one thing is certain: when you come out of the storm you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what the storm’s all about. You will be stronger and purified.
As your heart beats a steady beat, remember that certainly a day will come when it beats no more.
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