When you have a terrible day and you want to scream,
JusT Turn To ALLAH.
When your feeling so down and you have lost all hope,
JusT Turn To ALLAH.
When your feeling betrayed and you want to curse,
JusT Turn To ALLAH.
When you can't see a way out of a terrible situation,
JusT Turn To ALLAH.
When your feeling like you have no self esteem,
JusT Turn To ALLAH.
When your feeling good and the world is at your feet,
JusT remember noT To ForgeT ALLAH,
U can ThEn bE cerTain HE will Remember you.
One of the saddest ironies of a parent's life, is that they could love the child more than anything in this world.
Yet that child is capable of making their hearts feel the most pain.
Fake friends an companions are like shadows. They stay there with you in sun and leave you in dark.

Tears are prayers too. They travel to ALLAH when we can’t speak.”.

When you go through an emotional downturn, remember that this world is temporary, so don’t stress about it too much. Worry about the hereafter and what you’ve prepared for it, that’s what we should all be stressed about.
May ALLAH (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) make it easy for us. Ameen.
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