Have you ever felt a hole in your heart? Not
physical ofcourse. I'm talking about a
metaphorical hole.
But what fills that hole, that emptiness?
Nothing! Trust me, No one and nothing will
ever fill that hole the way Allah will fill it.
Soak in Allah's Love.
Drown in Allah's Rahmah.
Fear Allah's Displeasure.
Nothing will ever fill that emptiness in your
heart completely except the ONE who made
the heart itself. ~*
“I don’t smoke but I keep a match box in my pocket. When my heart slips towards a sin, I burn a match stick and heat my palm. Then I say to myself:
‘Ali You can’t bear even this heat, how would u bear the unbearable heat of Hell?’
- A True Muslim Legend Muhammad Ali
I fall, I rise, I make mistakes, I live, I learn, I've
been hurt but I'm alive. I'm human, I'm not
perfect but I'm thankful...
Today lets say a special prayer for all those loved
ones who have left us and returned to ALLAH.
May their sins be forgiven. May ALLAH grant them Jannatul Firdaus. Join us in saying
Ameen today. Ameen
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