To all those suffering from sadness or depression,know that it isn’t your fault.
It isn’t because you’re weak.
It isn’t because you’re just not grateful enough.
It isn’t because you’re just not religious enough.
It isn’t because you don’t have enough faith.
It isn’t because ALLAH is angry with you.
To all the well-meaning people who tell you this, just smile.
And know deep in your heart that the tests of ALLAH come in
different forms to different people.
And know that, by the help of ALLAH, every test can become
a tool to get closer to Him.
And that, verily, with hardship come ease—and like all things
of this world—this too shall pass.
Don’t think that someone else is more blessed than you are...
It’s just that, we are all blessed in different different ways...ALHAMDULILLAH!
Hate no one, no matter how much they've wronged you..Live humbly, no matter how wealthy you become..Think positively, no matter how hard life is..Give much, even if you've been given little..Keep in touch with the ones who have forgotten you.. forgive those who has wronged you, And do not stop praying for the best for those whom you love.
"If a friend among your friends errs, make seventy excuses for them. If your hearts are unable to do this, then know that the shortcoming is in your own selves" [Hamdun al-Qassar] “
If you find see something you don’t like in a brother, try to find 1-70 excuses for him. And if you can’t find an excuse, say ‘There might be an excuse, but I don’t know it. [ Jafar as-Sadiq ]
Whoever loves to be saved from the Fire and entered into Paradise should die with belief in Allah and the Last Day and should treat the people in the way that he wishes to be treated by them. [Muslim]
"Set Good Example for children"
Don't worry if that children don`t listen to you,
be worry that they are always watching you.
Every King was once a helpless baby & every great building was once only a sketch. It is not important where you are today rather where youll reach tomorrow. What matter in life is your good deed and your achievement.
be strong, trust on ALLAH, make "TAWAKKUL" do your best and let the rest to ALLAH, never give up and always go on, your lord is ALLAH.
WHY !!!!!! ???
it is easy to celebrate fathers day & mothers day
but difficult to obey our parents
it is easy to celebrate valentines day
but difficult to do nikkah
it is easy to waste money in celebrating birthdays
but difficult to spend money in charity
it is easy to waste our time watching a 3 hours movie
but difficult to offer a 20 minutes salah
it is easy to cry at song lyrics
but difficult to cry reading holy Quran
it is easy to follow biddah
but difficult to follow sunnah
(1st my self after i post it for all of you.. )
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