Life is like a party.
U inviTe a LoT of peopLE,
SomE LeavE earLy,
SomE sTay,
SomE Laugh wiTh you,
SomE aT you,
SomE didn'T come.
BuT in the end, aFTer the fun, there would be a few who would stay and help clean up the mEss with you.
And most of the TimE, ThosE were ThE ones who didnt even make the mess:) ♥
OuT oF aLL ThE reLaTions wE makE in our journey oF LiFE TiLL our LasT breaTh....
ThE reLaTion wiTh "MOTHER" is 9 monThs morE.....!!!............:) ♥
-'CleanLinEss does not last, it’s why we brush our teeth and take showers everyday.
The same goes for our hearts, that’s why we have to pray, remember ALLAH, recite the Quran and repent to ALLAH on a regular basis♥.
A Man LosT whoLE businEss in FirE
Next day placed signboard :
"Everything burnt
Luckily Faith & Confidence undamaged.
Business starts tomorrow"
"Laws control the lesser man.
Integrity controls the greater one.
Our character is what we do when we think no one is looking."
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