Make Dua for your friends, they may smile, but silently may be hurting inside..
"Trials are a wake-up call for the forgetful ones, a means of achieving reward for the patient ones and a reminder of blessings for everyone."
ppl might forsake me but ALLAH won't..trials and obstacles of life.. ALLAH knows best..: Lailaha Illa Anta, Subhanaka Inni Kuntum Minazzolimin.
The believing woman is never down 4 long, she is like a willow under strong wind she will bend 2 breaking point but will stay whole, she'll sail against tides and storms,she may get bruised from life, but she'll never give up because she knows her Lord does not give more than she can bear she knows her worth and even if she is walked upon or laughed at no one can take away her dignity, as her refuge is in Allah (SWT).
A womans heart should be so lost in the love of Allah, that man would have to seek him in order to find her.
"Oblivious to my own faults, l could not see anything but other's wrongs. Noticing my own faults, suddenly no-one seemed in the wrong. Time for love is very short in this world. Where do people find time to fill it with so much hate?." (Shaykh Zulfiqar).
Everyone who is taken by death asks for more time, while everyone who still has time makes excuses for procrastination.
A tongue has no bones,but it can break a Heart & also a tongue has
no glue but it can heal a broken Heart so THINK BEFORE U SPEAK and
watch ur words carefully ,according to a hadith ,a muslim is one who
avoids harming other muslims with his tongue and hands
Allah puts you in a test so that you may take something (a lesson,strength etc) from the test rather than the test taking the strength from you.
Wise Saying Of Hakeem Luqman:
* If u r in prayer, take care of your Heart,
* If u r eating, take care of your Throat,
* If u r in another man’s house, take care of ur Eyes,
* If u r talking to close person, take care of ur tongue.
Quote: I have met people in my city who seem the most righteous but they went out and started exposing people so Allah made their faults apparent. I know other people who have faults but because they are quiet Allah caused people to forget their faults.
Scholar: Imam Malik ibn Anas
Al-Hasan al-Basri said:
People are all the same in health and ease, but when hardship befalls them, true distinction is shown.
It is true sometimes someone says something really small, and it just fits right into this empty place in your heart. But too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around Insha'Allah!...
When Snake Is Alive, Snake Eats Ants. When Snake is dead, Ants eat Snake.
Time can turn at any time. Don't neglect anyone in your life and Respect Everyone with heart....
The true wise man is he who is humble enough to learn from the wisdom of others, & then realizes that every person has some wisdom to offer...[Yasir Qadhi]
Pay no attention to ill-natured remarks about you. Remember, the person who carried the message may not be the most accurate reporter in the world. Simply live so that nobody will believe them. Disordered nerves and bad digestion are a common cause of backbiting.
I had rather do and not promise than promise and not do. ~
The colour black absorbs all the colours, where as white reflects them all..
The darker parts of your life surely absorbs far greater blessings than the parts that are illuminated with constant joy..
He tests those whom He loves... ♥
If you can't remove the tear of a fellow brother or sister - at least don't add to their flow of tears..
If you can't remove the bruises of a fellow brother or sister - at least don't bruise them further..
If you can't speak words to heal wounds - at least don't speak words which re-open wounds...
If you can't help but hurt someone when you're with them - at least try to walk away..
A person tired & fed up of Life asked God,"Why so many Mountains & Hills to climb in Life?"
GOD Replied,"To have a better view of life."
One day God said...
"Don't ever give up when you are down. It doesn't matter if you fall many times. Just remember that
each time you fall, i will never let you reach the ground. Trust
me, i will always be around."
Money Says : " Earn Me.. Forget Everything..
"Time Says: "Follow Me.. Forget Everything..
"Future Says : " Struggle For Me .. Forget Everything..".....
ALLAH Simply Says..: " Only Remember Me .. I will Give You EVERYTHING...!!
A Hopeless Person Feels
Difficulty In Every Chance
A Hopeful Person Feels
a Chance In Every Difficulty''
[Hazrat Ali (A.S)]
You ask; He gives. You cry; He listens. You call; He runs. You sin; He forgives. You repent; He forgets. You knock; He opens. You attend; He welcomes. You nag; He hears. You request; He accepts. You question; He solves. You plea; He resolves. You take; He provides. You insist; He grants...
Everything you do, is about you.. and everything He does, is about you.. Thus which of Allah's favours can you deny?
No matter how big your house is, how flashy you car is or how expensive your clothes are. Our GRAVES are still going to be the same size!
“Whoever says – i.e., when he leaves his house -
Bismillah, tawakkaltu ‘ala Allah, wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa Billah
(In the name of Allah, I put my trust in Allah & there is no power & no strength except with Allah)”, it will be said to him: You are taken care of & you are protected & guided, & the devils will move away from him......"
[Abu Dawood 5095; Tirmidhi 3462 - Sahih Hadith]
"Two du'as will not be rejected, the one during the call of prayer (Adhaan) and when it rains" [Abu Dawood] - As it pours here in London, remember the oppressed, the hurt, the elderly, the imprisoned, the victims, the ill, the teachers, the mothers and the rest of the beautiful Ummah in your most humble prayers.. Much needed and will be much appreciated :).. JazakumAllahu Khairan... ♥
Imagine your iman as a ship. When intact, it'll sail gleefully. But if a hole is punctured, the ship'll begin to sink. But a sinking ship can always be saved
Your imaan will fluctuate. You're no less of a Muslim if you begin to sink. Have hope & the will to want to be saved; He will save you. You'll soon find yourself sailing once again.
And remember; it's commonly understood that a sunken ship is full of treasures
“… But it is possible that you dislike a thing which is good for you, and that you love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knows, and you know not.” (Quran 2:216)
'Do not let the temporary & little charms of this world distract you & entice you & do not say tomorrow & tomorrow, for indeed you do not know when you will be heading to Allah..' Hassan Al-Basri (RA) ♥'
You are perfect; for He Created you. Thus can anything He Creates be imperfect? You may have an illness; a scar; a disorder - but you are still perfect; for He Created you this way. You are beautiful in your own way.
Why would you ruin His masterpiece? With your words, your actions, your senses. Why would you turn something so perfect - imperfect? Why would you make something so beautiful - so very ugly...?
A tear may reflect the sadness and pain carried by your heart.. but it also reflects the sparkles of light from its surrounding sources...
Count the blessings associated with every tear rather than counting the tears themselves.. ♥
Different angles allow you to see things differently. Take a book for example. Looking at it from a birds-eye-view, you will not be able to tell how thick it is, nor will you know what the front cover shows if you're looking at it from the back..
What you see/hear may not necessarily be the whole picture - thus don't be haste in making decisions; take the time to view things from all angles... ♥
"A man once asked his mother, "Mother, how will I ever find the right woman?" His mother replied, "Forget finding the 'right' woman, focus on being the right man..."
We spend so much time in formulating ideas of what the perfect spouse will be. We seek the 'right' spouse - who is to be near perfection... But how perfect are we? Do we even come close to that which we seek?
Indeed there is no harm in wanting someone who will forward you in Deen and imaan, who will help you towards Jannah and who obeys and fears the Almighty... but seeking everything in one person is seeking something which does not exist - as we are all imperfect beings... Thus take the advice of this mother... ♥
"A Woman was made from the rib of man; She was not created from his head to top him, Nor from his feet to be stepped upon. She was made from his side to be close to him; From beneath his arm to be protected by him and near his heart to be loved by him..." ♥ ♥ ♥
“The dua of a Muslim for his brothers in his absence is readily accepted, an angel is appointed to his side, whenever he makes a beneficial dua for his brother, the angel says, ‘Ameen’, & May you be blessed with the same”. [Sahih Muslim]
Let's make du'a for our brothers and sisters
Hasbun Allahu wa ni'maal wakeel!! Indeed Allah is enough.. what more could we ask for.. ♥
It is impossible to have patience for the sake of Allah without patience by the help of Allah.
Ibn Qayyim Al Jawziyyah
“When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.” Confucius ♥
The next time you blink... your eyes may never open again...
What will be your journey thereafter..? Your life in the Duniya will effect the Akhirat... Make the last blink worth it... ♥
The Power/Potential of Intention
Abu Mas'ud narrated: If a man spends on his family (with the intention of having a reward from Allah) sincerely for Allah's sake then it is a (kind of) alms-giving in reward for him. (Bukhari)
What is important is not how much we have, but how much barakah there is in what we do have. That's how we define quality over quantity.
Everyone asks for a miracle. Some a house, some a car,and some for love. Be happy with what you have and remember: your miracle is that your alive today.
'Every love that leads away from His love is in fact a punishment; only a love that leads to His love is a heartfelt & pure love.'
Ibn Al-Qayyim (Rahimahullah)
We may say & do things without realising. We are only human, we will continue to make mistakes if we are not careful. We will always have flaws, thus we should seek Allahs forgiveness in abundance!
Keep busy looking for your own faults so you have no time to seek the faults of others... InshaAllah.
"It is impossible to give sadaqah and experience loss"
ALLAH knows
When you are tired and discouraged from fruitless efforts... ALLAH knows how hard you have tried. • When you've cried so long and your heart is in anguish... ALLAH has counted your tears. • If you feel that your life is on hold and time has passed you by... ALLAH is waiting with you. • When you're lonely and your friends are too busy even for a phone call.. ALLAH is by your side. • When you think you've tried everything and don't know where to turn... ALLAH has a solution. • When nothing makes sense and you are confused or frustrated... ALLAH has the answer. • If suddenly your outlook is brighter and you find traces of hope ... ALLAH has whispered to you. • When things are going well and you have much to be thankful for... ALLAH has blessed you. • When something joyful happens and you are filled with awe... ALLAH has smiled upon you. • When you have a purpose to fulfill and a dream to follow... ALLAH has opened your eyes and called you by name. Remember that wherever you are or whatever you are facing... ALLAH KNOWS
If Allah brings you to it, he will bring you through it.
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