So don’t fear the judgments of others; you know who you are in your heart and what’s true to you. What matters to you. You don’t have to be perfect, or cool, or meet their trends to impress and inspire them. Rather, let them be impressed and inspired by how you deal with your imperfections and if they walk away then Allah (subhanahu wa ta 'ala) will bless you with friends who appreciate you for who you are and it'll be like they make up for all the lonely moments in the past chasing after individuals who never understood you to begin with - as long you sincere and care about who you are. Allah knows.
Those who misunderstand you aren't always your enemies - they just don't know how to deal with your imperfections.
"As I look at my arms I notice they’re smooth, scar less. Then I look to my heart and deep within I notice the slits. The scars. And I wonder, where did it go wrong? Then I look around me, finally now, years later I’ve finally understand the reason behind the tests. The reason why I held on, even though they caused me despair. I didn’t give up then and now, I see the goodness of my care.
Your scars are signs you survived the tests. They have made you stronger. They have made you bolder. Personally, through them I understand, without Allah (subhanahu wa ta ‘ala) who is there worthy of my dependence? Who hears my cries, when Shaytan tells me my dreams are a lie? Truly Allah, Al-Qawiy (The Most Strong) is stronger than any test which causes me despair.
Because sometimes the best thing to do is… to soldier on!
We all respect maturity, but what is it? Maturity for some is assertiveness and for others is intelligence. But for some it's understanding another's situation when they hurt or harm you, rather than hitting and hurting them back.
I find loyalty so beautiful - when you meet people who will love you for who you are, accept you regardless of your imperfections - feel your pain and make it theirs. They are a few - but for me, I wish they never leave.
We look at the gems in our hands and see them as soil, dark and dry due to the sun. Whereas, those oversees embrace the soil, add water and nurture them until become diamonds. If only we embraced the soil like those who had nothing, cherishing them with a smile.
It's hard to hate someone if you're willing to understand them - the sad part is not many people are willing to step into their shoes and appreciate why it went wrong. If only we did, we'd be happier and so would they.
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