Some have been hurt so much, they no longer feel hurt - subhanAllah.
For example think of the people of Palestine, they've been hurt so much - that they no longer feel pain, for most part. It becomes a means of rejuvenation. How many people come from broken homes, or homes full of arguments, where they learn to live - the pain becomes part of their lives, that they begin to live with it.
It is a mental state, a sad mental state - but it becomes part of someones life due to the pain. A coping mechanism, where really, they turn to Allah (subhanahu wa ta 'ala) instea

To slap someone hard and expect them to listen - doesn't make sense. Thus we learn refutation is not the way of the Prophets (as). Rather they called to the truth beautifully, with wisdom - and even if others disagreed, they respected their teaching methods.

Sometimes it’s easier to shut down, just so you can move forward. And at times it’s the only way to succeed, watering it consistently with the remembrance of Allah (swt) to ensure you’re kept sane. Caring enough so you heart remains alive, but ceasing to care to an extent - so you can still excel, regardless of the criticism which comes your way.
A woman is like a pearl hidden away in a shell deep into the ocean. If you want to truly understand her, you have to be willing to dive deep into the roaring sea, passing by the sharks (stereotypes), poisonous plants (other people’s standards) and then open the shell slowly but surely (with patience and persistence). If you’re willing to dive, make time, for His sake then you’ll be able to fully appreciate her beauty and in turn His Might.
Tiny pebbles become huge mountains, breaking beautiful hearts in the process - due to bad manners. Whether it's bad language, a lack of care or a bad attitude.
But here's the thing, huge mountains can be broken. They can return to their smooth state and in turn, beautiful hearts can appreciate their delicacy.
I saw him every day, sitting there in the cold. He was like many in the UK, homeless, left there to the cold. Generally I would walk by, feel guilty and make du'a to Allah to ease their pain. Today was different though, today I stopped, I handed something to him, it was little, nothing to brag about.
He stopped, looked up and made my day, like I had made his day. He made a prayer for me, it wasn't the prayer which touched my heart, it was his deep appreciation that someone actually cared. Now I look for him every day, hoping to be that person once again insha Allah.
We have people around us, just waiting to be cared about. To be listened too. We have individuals yearning for that special friend, some intense care. Either we can walk past all these opportunities in our life, or we can extend a helping hand and receive a great return. We must depend on the One above alone, and when we do, we're strong enough to help those around.
May Allah (subhanahu wa ta 'ala) make us of those who give and give, hoping for a Great Return from Him. Aameen.