If we are to witness the variety and the complexity of God's creations, Human being himself is an adequate source...
For, how many faces we see in a day's end-each being unique in their own way- and how many faces could a single being appear into, and what lies in the deep within cores of human hearts, only He knows....
Alhamdulillah that He is the Best to create!
Every heart contains a metal, a metal that is a lot stronger than you think, a metal that doesn't get broken easily, and a metal that is capable of getting rusted at the slightest mistake you make in the way treat it. Make sure that you took great care of it. Watch-out for the latter whilst considering a lot more about the rest. Being strong doesn't mean that the metal your heart holds has to be hard, cold or rough. Rather, it can still be strong even if you turned it out to be soft, tender and flexible.
You can fool the world by being phoney, but not Him.
-Hasna Huzair
All rights reserved @Allah's presence
People usually say that when someone smiles the biggest and frequently, it's most likely they're the forced ones.
That the more someone always appears to be on top of the world, it's probable that they're holding on by a string.
Same goes if their eyes are the brightest, most likely they shed tears when no one is looking.
But do people honestly believe that?
When they see that someone has it all, do they ever think that person's broken inside?
No, they don't.
That's why people continue on with their lives, because no one will ever truly stop and ask you with the most sincerity how you are. They don't necessarily care.
It's not until someone finds you crying in a corner, it's not until someone notices that you're getting quieter and quieter as the days progress when they ask. But if you're not caught, no one sees anything. So if you continued to pull on that smile, hold in all of your emotions, and laughed along when everyone did, you will be invisibly seen. Safe and secluded.
People would still continue to think that your life is going smoothly, as happy as a clam. And sometimes, that would be the biggest lie ever to keep alive.
Living in her own world,
Full of miseries and hopeless,
She roams the land,
Giving up being selfless.
No one cares,
The pain won't stop.
It's all inside,
Not visible on top.
She smiles all day,
And cries all night.
So that nobody will know,
That she's losing her fight.
Perfecting the art,
Saying "I'm fine".
So nobody questions it,
And she's left on her line.
Did she forget the One,
Who is always there for us?
Someone who never ceases to listen,
Comforting and ending every mess.
Indeed, there's this someone Who still cares. Even if every one had given up on you, no matter what crimes you've committed, regardless of the world's whispers behind you, He will always be there for you. Ready to listen, willing to give, eager to fulfill your wishes. He knows best and is aware of everything that runs in your head, that resides in your heart and every single thing you're trying to hide from others. He knows your darkest of secrets, deepest of feelings, and all your thoughts. Nothing can be covered when it comes to Him, because He's your Master, Provider, Saviour, and your Everything.
Ask Him, and you'll always be granted.
Have faith on Him, and you'll never be alone.
Rely on Him, and you'll always be cared.
Trust Him, and you'll always be loved.
Bitter Irony- a reminder
-Binth Niwas
All rights reserved @Allah's presence
Some of us sometimes are ready to fight for those deprived souls in the faraway lands,
Yet we forget the hapless souls we meet everyday in our lives depriving them of our care and a kind word...
We all want to hold those ruthless murderers and cold blooded morons in the form of leaders, accountable for their heartless acts,
But sometimes we tend to forget the hearts we break, lives we put at stake for our cheap desires and the betrayals we make in minor or major manners...
Of course we are concerned for mother earth and saving her from the worst,
Still we leave our leaking taps unnoticed, fans running to their on accord for hours or perhaps days, our fridges unnecessarily open and all those food going into the waste basket-we do not even care, do we?
And yeah, we are so worried for those cries of the scorched in the far away lands
Wait a moment, isn't that shoe the fifth pair for this year? and oh yes, we don't have anything fit enough to wear for the rest of the week.
So, let's go on breaking hearts, of which humanity is made of.
Let's keep on folding our hands and keeping all our wealth to ourselves alone, which the poor are deprived of.
Let those unnecessary lights on, let them burn, from the source taken from a wounded planet.
And yes of course, We are the saviours of Humanity, the harbingers of Peace and the sentinels of our beloved Planet.
This is the pathetic state we come across today. When we have so much unfulfilled within our own perimeters, how can we even start think of contributing on a Global scale? Act first, for what is within your reach, if each of us take this to heart a Peaceful Humanity in a Beautiful Planet shall bloom, I believe...
Few thoughts first for myself and the rest beyond...
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