“May Allah reward hardship with all good though it strangles me and makes me breathless. And my gratitude towards it is not for any other reason except that it enabled me to recognize my friend from my enemy”
Standing at the edge of existence,
Looking upon all that has been,
There wasn't a moment filled completely with ease,
Nor was there a moment so completely filled with pain.
In every happiness there is a tinge of sadness,
And in every sorrow there is a silver-lining of hope.
This life was meant to push us further,
Beyond the limits we thought we could not withstand.
All we can do is simply keep going!
He is Al Latif,
And He knows when a heart weeps..
And just out of nowhere,
He sends a sign,
A small reminder
That this time
It won't last forever,
This sorrow,
It will be forgotten tomorrow
In Jannah;
Where each broken heart hopes to be.
Silent tears fall
When the heart recalls
This soul's hopes.
Now they are soft whispers in the depths of the heart
Speaking of a past that got lost on this path.
That is life and its painful way,
Taking its direction without apparent consideration.
So all we do,
Take each step,
With patience and prayer being the guide in every affair.
Our eyes they fail to see
The beauty that lies in waiting,
So we get lost in the pain,
When our minds fail to remind our hearts
The end will come,
To bring with it peace,
So when we find ourselves asking the question,
Is the pain worth the struggle?
Then let our eyes close
Capturing the Promise of Paradise.
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