When you realize that you cannot have everything you want, you've understood the nature of dunya.
When you realize that you can have everything you love or desire, you've understood the nature of jennah!
Peace doesn't exist outside. It can only exist inside. And the peace that is on the inside cannot be taken away by anyone. No matter what they do. No matter what they say. No matter what they threaten. If your paradise is in your heart, no one can take it from you.
I have spent a lot of my life trying to reconcile between hardship and ease. On the one hand, we are told again and again that the straight path is not easy and requires struggle and sacrifice. But on the other hand, as humans we always desire ease. What I have come to realize is that the path will always have challenges, tests and trials. There will be hardships and there will be storms. But, if Allah wills, you can be given ease *within* the hardship. The one who finds refuge in Allah, remains dry—even during the most powerful storm. Outside, it may be raining, but inside the refuge of Allah, it’s dry. Outside, it may be storming, but inside yourself, there is calm. Even the flames of your life can be made ‘bardan wa salama’ (coolness and safety), as they were on Ibraheem (AS). So my focus was wrong. I was trying to create a jennah, a perfect, storm-free, fireless world, outside. But this doesn’t exist in dunya. I needed to shift the focus. Jennah—a calm, peaceful world—can exist inside. Your sanctuary is inside yourself. No one can take that sanctuary away from you. No storm can affect it. No rain can reach it. Work on building *that* jennah. Work on entering *that* jennah.
And you will have jennah in this life, and the next.
The space inside your Self is sacred. Let no intruder enter. It is saved only for you and God. The reason we have trouble letting go is because we take things in and make them a part of our Self. When we feel sadness, we say, “I am sad.” The sadness becomes a part of us. When we have wealth, we say, “I am wealthy.” When we feel anger or pain, we say, “I am angry” or “I am in pain.” We allow these things to define us. And control us. When we love a person, we make that person a part of us. Beware of making another person a part of your Self. Love, give, interact—but never absorb. Keep your Self intact. Do not add to yourself by taking from another person. Nor subtract from yourself to give to another person.
Therefore, the secret to letting go is the realization that the object of attachment (sadness, fear, wealth, people) was never a part of you. You may have held it close, but it was always outside of *you*. Therefore letting go of that object of attachment will not break you because you existed as a whole before the object and will exist as a whole after the object.
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