-Hasna Fathima
All Rights Reserved @Allah's Presence
Pebbles are scattered,
Yet not shattered...
Things may seem troubled,
Still would get settled...
Varied in colors,
They never get jealous...
Different in looks are we,
But it's the hearts which He will see...
Number of shapes they've got,
Ego or proudness, they have not...
So many qualities we do posses,
Accepting all is what we should process...
Being trampled and kicked,
They do never get discouraged...
People may try putting you down,
Never feel bad, show them your crown...
No matter what kind of weather,
They do still stay together...
Happy or sad, be united forever,
Parting may cause disasters that you cannot imagine ever...
Whatever they may,
Their Lord they obey...
Always remember the blessings you've been given,
Before the time gets taken...
By – S.S Meera
Though small in size
I can crime a lot
Though I am with no bone
I can very well make one moan
Though I am fragile and moist
I can scorch other’s feelings
Though I am with super flexibility
I can secure mere wrath
Though I remain silently enclosed
I can feast my prey like a mountain lion
Though I cannot stop myself from being woolly
I cannot be incarcerated simply !!
But Yes I ain’t bad
When wisely used !!
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