my favourite's

Friday 19 August 2011

Shaqaf looked worried sitting front of the computer. He didn’t know what to do, yet he wanted to do something. He typed few letters and nervously watched at the screen. He wished it won’t be displaying the red letters again. Few seconds passed and the page was browsing. He curled his fingers and his nails dig his palm. He waited and few seconds after he saw the warning with red letters again. User name or password you typed is incorrect…blah blah blah. He gritted angrily. He couldn’t remember how many attempts he took for all these days. Once he couldn’t access it for twenty four hours for the account was temporally blocked.

“Incorrect user name or password!”

He bit his lips and then clicked the button with change password option for he thought he could try to answer the secret questions.

“Who is your life time movie hero?”

“How do I know? She had many and every time she saw a new face she fell for him, Ya Allah! Forgive her!
Shaqaf muttered angrily and then asked Allah to forgive her. He picked his mobile phone and dialed her best friend’s number wanting to get her help. Reema picked the phone within few seconds.

“Assalamu Alaikum brother Shaqaf!”
She said decently. Shaqaf replied to her salam and thought why couldn’t Diya be like her friend?

“Diya! Sorry Seema, can you help me to find her user name and password for her facebook account?”
He said. He was nerves and Reema could feel it from distant. Who else won’t be after seeing those photograph’s on FB wall? Even she was worried seeing those photographs in Diya’s wall. How could he tolerate seeing it, he could have warned her but how can he do it right now for she’s gone forever?

“Even I tried brother Shaqaf…but I’m sorry I cant find it. You can try resetting her password…”
She suggested.

“I did but now I can’t open her email account…and they ask silly questions…I don’t have any clue”
Shaqaf said being worried.

“Even I’m worried brother, InshaAllah we’ll ask Allah to help us or forgive her!”

Reema said in a painful tone. Shaqaf felt a lump in his throat. He couldn’t imagine Diya’s situation. How many times has he warned her not to upload her pictures to the site? She never listened. All she wanted was to enjoy. She liked to see everyone comment on her pictures. She didn’t mind whether they are known or unknown, mahram or non mahram. If she ever thought about the life after death she would have never done such a thing.

It was shocking to see some men in FB have commented on her pictures. He couldn’t just ignore seeing them for he loved her so much and she is not with them any more to delete those nasty and indecent comments. She was a Hijabi yet what is the use, for everyone was enjoying admiring her beauty worldwide? Shaqaf rested his head on the headrest not knowing what to do.

“Wow! You look gorgeous…you should have become a modal instead of hiding your beauty in that piece of cloth”

A male friend has commented on Diya’s picture.

“How about a date?

Followed another comment.

“where’s your helmet? Anyway you look stunning without it”

“For Allah’s sake stop commenting…she’s not with us anymore”
Reema has commented for she didn’t know what else to do.

“Huh! She must be having fun with the devil in her grave ! lucky fellows…LOL!”
Another one commented bellow.

“Be careful man... Diya’s ghost must be watching at you!”

“Even being with her ghost will feel heavenly…what do you say? Huh!”

Shaqaf stopped scrolling down for he couldn’t tolerate this anymore. He bit his lips so he could control himself not to cry. But he couldn’t. He couldn’t bear her loss. She was his friend for all these years. He trembled. More than knowing she was gone forever what he couldn’t bear was these indecent comments on her photographs. What if others in the family know about this? He was sure they will hear about this sooner or later for she had more than seven hundred friends including all the family members and friends. They would call her a shame. How would her mother and father feel? Worried and regret for letting her use all these new technologies. They will blame the new technology for spoiling their child and ruining her name.

He felt to smash the computer for it is the reason to ruin her image, even after her death. But he tried to calm down for he understood its pointless smashing the computer for the errors Diya did. There are always two options, good and bad. She should have known it. Although she chose to wear the Hijab and worship Allah five times a day she forgot that everything she does online is accountable too. She should have known that every click she clicked was answerable. Everything what she shared will resemble her character and the people she chose to befriend will show her real identity. SubhanAllah, how many times has he explained her about these facts, but she never listened.

“Ok ok…I’ll remove them tomorrow…now I’m sleepy!”

That was the answer she gave when he warned her prior to the fateful incident. She must have never expected that tomorrow will never come!

""Every soul shall have taste of death; In the end to us shall ye be brought back "
.(Surah Al-'Ankabut The Spider 29:57)

Shaqaf cried like a small child remembering her, for he loved her. Diya, his one and only sister, being just twenty one left a lot behind and nothing was to be praised but only errors which no one could fix for her. Ya Allah! Forgive her sins and save her from torments in grave. Forgive her sins committed knowingly and unknowingly. Receive her to Jannah!”
His heart whispered with a great pain.

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