my favourite's

Saturday 6 August 2011


There was once a man who was madly in love with his wife even though they had been together for more than 10 years.........when he was asked what it was about her that he was all praise ....he said-" Ever since we got married , to my aggravation, she never stopped asking me to perform my prayers. Year after year passed by but I did not give two hoots about what she said ....on our 10th wedding anniversary , I asked her what she wanted as her gift and she simply told that my best gift to her would be if I started to pray .....i could not deny it to her this time and now as a result I am very regular with them......she is the one who is responsible for this pleasant change in my life and I love her for fact I just cannot believe that i have wasted so many years of my life without them..."

If your partner learns something pious from someone else other than you ....then bear in mind that you will have missed a lifetime opportunity of earning ALLAH's great pleasure ...thus, ALWAYS stay persistent when it comes to convincing your companion about adopting a habit that will help him/her to enter Paradise ....... :)

"Whoever recommends and helps a good cause becomes a partner therein: and whoever recommends ends and helps an evil cause shares in its burden: and ALLAH hath power over all things." {Qur'an 4:85}

May ALLAH guide us the right path ....ameen
asalamalaikum warahmatALLAH wa barakatuh 

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